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Leonid Kogan Stavsky

Венгрия заблокировала осуждение Израиля.
Венгрия - единственная страна Евросоюза, которая наложила вето на заявление ЕС, в котором осуждалась принятая в четверг резолюция Кнессета, израильского парламента, отвергающая создание палестинского государства.
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EU condemns Israeli parliament's resolution against establishment of Palestinian state!

The EU on Friday condemned the Israeli parliament's recent resolution opposing the establishment of a Palestinian state, emphasizing that a two-state solution remains the only viable path to peace and security in the Middle East.

“There is a strong consensus in the international community that the only sustainable solution that will bring peace and security to the Middle East is the two-state solution,” the bloc said in a written statement.

The EU reaffirms its commitment to achieving lasting peace through a two-state solution as outlined by the UN Security Council Resolutions 2735, 2728, 2720, and 2712, ensuring both Palestinians and Israelis can live in safety and dignity, the statement noted.

The bloc maintains its position of not recognizing changes to the 1967 borders unless agreed upon by both parties, it mentioned.

“We will continue to actively work with international and regional partners towards reviving a political process to this end,” it stressed.

“A credible pathway to Palestinian statehood is a crucial component of that political process.

“No hope, no horizon for the Palestinian people will only deepen the conflict,” it underlined.


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has called for the fighting in Gaza to stop immediately, as she hoped to secure another five years as EU Commission President.

"I want to be very clear: the bloodshed in Gaza must stop now. Too many children, women and civilians have lost their lives as a result of Israel's response to Hamas' brutal terror," von der Leyen said in an address to the MEPs in Strasbourg on Thursday.

"The people of Gaza cannot bear any more. Humanity cannot bear it anymore,” she emphasised.


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