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Leonid Kogan Stavsky
(updated )

Садитесь, слушайте и учитесь, особенно если вы американский еврей, поддерживающий Байдена.

Sit down, listen, and learn, especially if you are a Biden-supporting American Jew.
I couldn't care less about Biden/Trump, or anything even remotely related to American politics. In fact, I find the whole fiasco appalling.
Here's what matters to me:
Breaking with US foreign policy and abstaining, albeit in keeping with Obama's tradition, is emboldening Israel's enemies. To them, what the US did today = a historic victory that gets them closer to Jerusalem.
When Israel is surrounded by tens of millions of Muslims who fundamentally believe that the day of judgement won't come before Muslims ethnically cleanse Jews and retake every inch of Israel, this is an existential threat.
I don't care what CNN or the BBC say. I know many will tell you this is a meaningless vote and nothing actually changes. But, I am watching what Arabs are saying. Their governments, activists, Islamist movements, terrorists and average people. They all see what happened today as a victory for Hamas, which receives the support of the majority of Muslims across the world.
This is a turning point. If you are not concerned by what Biden is doing, if you are not concerned for the future of Am Yisrael, now is the time to reconsider. Things can get very, very ugly. This is not scaremongering. This is a warning and a wake-up call!

Khaled Hassan

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